Dive Tubes
In our Hookain online shop, you will find a selection of downtubes for different models. You can read in the product description of your shisha which downtube fits which model. Normally, each water pipe includes a downtube in the package. Our range of downtubes primarily serves those who are looking for spare parts or want to refresh their setup. Explore the downtube assortment now in the Hookain online shop and order your new downtube conveniently delivered to your home at an affordable price!
What is a downtube?
The downtube refers to the part of your shisha that establishes contact between the base and the water in the bowl. Hence the name "downtube" as it submerges into the water. In most cases, the downtube is screwed into the base using a thread. Therefore, the downtube is essential to ensure the proper functioning of the water pipe.