O's Tobacco
Os Tobacco is a long-established manufacturer of premium shisha tobacco that has been impressing the shisha community with its intense flavors in many different varieties for a long time. At the Hookain Online Shop, you can choose from a wide range of tobacco flavors from this popular brand and buy your favorite one inexpensively. Discover bestsellers or completely new flavor combinations from Os at the Hookain Online Shop and have them delivered conveniently to your home!
Os Tobacco - Shisha Tobacco Made in Germany
Os Tobacco was founded in Frankfurt, Germany and has been enjoying the steadily growing popularity of its products ever since. The popular tobacco creations from Os are offered in two product lines, the Red Line and the Green Line, which differ mainly in flavor and serve as a rough classification of Os Tobacco's product range. Os Tobacco has all of its products manufactured by Doobaco, a renowned manufacturer that is definitely known to shisha smokers who have been around for a while and is highly regarded in the industry for its high-quality processing. The tobacco blends from Os Tobacco truly have everything that shisha enthusiasts could wish for and offer their users unique sessions through the use of high-quality raw materials in combination with careful, controlled processing of the tobacco.
The Absolute Bestseller from Os
Some flavors from Os are particularly popular in the shisha community, but with African Queen, the brand has created a truly perfect blend. For months, the flavor has been the bestseller in many online shops, shisha bars, and stores. African Queen is a sweet blend of sun-ripened strawberries and fresh red berries. African King from Os Tobacco is also very popular, but the fruit mix of all kinds of fruits definitely does not compare to the Queen variant. Great popularity is also enjoyed by the Os variants that round off the tobacco flavor with an authentic candy taste. The Graveyard flavor enhances the candy flavor with a subtle lemon note, while Cleopatra convinces with a fruity grapefruit and candy note. Unusual flavors like pistachio in Franklin or fig and cactus in Red Lagoon complete the diverse range of Os Tobacco.
With Virginia tobacco and in many flavors
The brand from Frankfurt uses only high-quality Virginia tobacco for its aromatic tobacco blends, whose properties are perfect for use in shishas. The range of Os Tobacco really leaves nothing to be desired. Whether you are looking for a sweet temptation, a real fresh kick or an unusual flavor - at Os Tobacco you will find the right shisha tobacco for you and can buy it inexpensively in the Hookain online shop.
Kann ich Os Tabak direkt rauchen?
Praktischerweise muss der Tabak von Os vor der Nutzung nicht erst angefeuchtet werden und wird somit schon rauchfertig geliefert. Perfekt also für spontane Sessions oder entspannte Shisha-Runden im Freien. Os Tobacco ist jederzeit einsatzbereit und dank der neuen 25g Größe auch mega praktisch für unterwegs!
Welches Setup eignet sich am Besten für Os Tobacco Tabak?
Um die Schokoladenseite aus dem Virginia-Tabak von Os Tobacco rauszuholen und den intensivsten Geschmack zu erreichen, solltest du ein paar Dinge beachten:
- Am besten eignet sich ein Phunnel-Kopf für Virginia Tabak, denn die sorgen für eine gleichmäßige Hitze des Tabaks und verhindern nervige Molasse und Tabakstückchen in der Rauchsäule. Im Hookain Onlineshop bieten wir dir die volle Auswahl unserer hochwertigen Hookain Phunnel-Köpfe, schau doch mal vorbei!
- Bau deinen Kopf nicht zu fest, um eine gute Luftzirkulation des Tabaks und damit auch der Aromen sicherzustellen.
- Eine optimale Hitzekontrolle bekommst du nur mit Heat Mamagement Devices. Ein hochwertiger HMD wie der Kaloud, den du bei und günstig kaufen kannst, wird dein Raucherlebnis perfektionieren!
- Achte immer auf die Richtige Wassermenge in deiner Bowl. Das Tauchrohr sollte ca 2-3 cm unter wasser stehen, denn zu viel Wasser kann den Luftstrom einschränken und den Geschmack beeinträchtigen, während zu wenig Wasser den Rauch nicht ausreichend filtert.
- Auch das Richtige Zugverhalten will gelernt sein! Ziehe am besten langsam und gleichmäßig an der Shisha. So verhinderst du, dass der Tabak überhizt und maximierst den Geschmack.