Top Brands
Discover our fantastic range of tobacco bowls in the Hookain online shop. In addition to our in-house bowls, you will find all the popular brand bowls, including a huge selection from the American manufacturer Alpaca. Whether you prefer smoking with a heat management device (HMD) or aluminum foil, you are guaranteed to find the perfect bowl for you here! You can buy all the top-brand bowls affordably from us in the Hookain online shop and have them conveniently delivered to your home.
Everything you need is right here
No matter which setup you prefer, whether it's aluminum foil or an HMD, you'll find everything you need for a perfect session. We offer bowls with large tobacco capacity for long sessions of up to 120 minutes, as well as bowls with smaller capacities. It all depends on whether you are a thrifty tobacco user or if you enjoy a session in a bowl with a 25g capacity. We also offer a selection of the most popular materials used in the production of the bowls.
A guide to our assortment
For those who see our bowl selection for the first time, it may seem overwhelming at first. Given the size of our assortment, that is completely understandable, and for this reason, we want to make your shopping experience easier. We offer you the opportunity to narrow down your selection. For that, simply use our 14 available filters, which you will find above the first products. Below, we will explain each filter in detail:
In Stock
Here, you can filter out all products that are currently unfortunately out of stock. But there is no reason to despair. For every sold-out product, you have the option to provide your email address. You will then be notified immediately when the product is available again.
Tobacco Capacity
With this filter, you can narrow down your selection by filtering out bowls that, in your opinion, consume too much tobacco. Simply choose the appropriate capacity (in grams) in the filter, and you will receive all the relevant bowls.
The "Price" filter allows you to set an upper and lower limit for the price, making it easier to keep track of your budget for bowls.
Here, you can select one or more manufacturers at the same time. For example, if you have three favorite brands, simply choose them, and they will be displayed collectively in the selection.
With the "Origin" filter, you can tailor the entire assortment of bowls based on the respective countries of origin of the manufacturers. If you prefer smoking with Russian bowls, for example, you can simply select "Russia" as the filter.
Through the "Rating" filter, you can make your selection easier by checking what other people from the community enjoy smoking and have positively reviewed in the Hookain online shop. So, if you really like a bowl, feel free to give it a positive rating! This way, others can also benefit from your experience with the products.
HMD Kompatibilität
Der Filter „HMD Kompatibilität“ bietet dir die Möglichkeit, deine Auswahl dahingehend einzugrenzen, dass dir nur Köpfe angezeigt werden, die beispielsweise mit HMD kompatibel sind. Über „Sondergröße“ werden dir Köpfe angezeigt, die nur mit Alufolie kompatibel sind.
Dieser Filter grenzt die Auswahl dahingehend ein, aus welchem Jahr die Produkte stammen. Aktuell bieten wir nur die neuesten Produkte aus dem Jahr 2023 an. Daher wird dieser Filter erst im kommenden Jahr seinen vollen Nutzen entfalten können.
Über den Filter „Material“ kannst du einzelne Materialien anklicken, nach der deine Auswahl gefiltert werden soll. Wähle beispielsweise „Steinclay“ aus, um dir Modelle aus dem beliebten Stone Ware Clay ansehen zu können. Somit ist gewährleistet, dass du findest was du suchst!
Hier bekommst du die Möglichkeit, die Auswahl nach deinen Lieblingsfarben einzugrenzen. Hast du zum Beispiel eine Pfeife mit einem blauen Sleeve, dann würde ein blauer Tabakkopf das Setup farblich perfekt ergänzen.
Der Filter „Modellreihe“ soll dir helfen, das Sortiment übersichtlicher zu machen. Da zum Beispiel Hersteller wie Alpaca eine riesige Auswahl qualitativ hochwertiger Modelle anbietet, kannst du einzelne Modellreihen anwählen und dir so die verschiedenen Colorways anschauen!
Ein Tipp für alle HMD Fans
Für alle, die am liebsten mit dem HMD rauchen, empfehlen wir den neuen Amotion DOT und die Alpaca x Kaloud Modelle!
Für die Alufolien-Setup Fanatiker unter euch
Hier bieten sich vor allem die Modelle „Suri“ und „Symphony“ aus dem Hause Alpaca an, da diese für ein perfektes Erlebnis mit Alufolien-Setup konzipiert sind.