Fog Your Law Dry Base tobacco and Dark Base with black tobacco
The special formulation of the FOG YOUR LAW Solution allows it to fall under the 25g regulation. This advantage enables us to offer it in the popular larger package sizes at a cost-effective rate.
The included BASE comprises flavors and sugar, while omitting glycerin.
For just €17.90, you'll get 70 grams of the exclusive FOG YOUR LAW DRY BASE.
NOTE: Mixing with taxed glycerin results in hookah tobacco. Production should only occur in a tax-approved environment with immediate taxation.
How does the taste of the FOG YOUR LAW 2-Component Solution differ?
The FOG YOUR LAW range will be available in familiar Hookain Flavors as well as in modified FOG YOUR LIFE bestsellers. Simply add taxed glycerin and kick off your smoking experience immediately.
We present a traditional portfolio based on the established FOGYOURLIFE flavor profiles. Thanks to the evolution of compliant flavors, you'll hardly notice any taste differences.
Enthusiasts of FOGYOURLIFE, HOOKAIN, and BLAZE are sure to be delighted.
How should I optimally use the FOG YOUR LAW DRY BASE?
From a technical standpoint, you can start immediately after mixing. Our FOG YOUR LAW DRY BASE absorbs liquid in a flash. However, for the best outcome and ideal aesthetics, we recommend a resting period of 6 hours to achieve the perfect balance between molasses and tobacco. Those in a hurry can still get started right away.
Are there plans for a FOG YOUR LAW NATURE BASE edition?
Alongside our tried and tested Virginia line, we are continually innovating new variations. Both the conventional Nature Base and a more intense Dark Nature Base are in the pipeline, allowing for various nicotine contents. A specific release date is yet to be determined, but preliminary tests are promising.
Can I combine the FOG YOUR LIFE Molasses with the FOG YOUR LAW DRY BASE?
Using FOG YOUR LIFE flavor bottles in conjunction with the FOG YOUR LAW DRY BASE is not recommended. Since both the FOG YOUR LIFE Molasses and the DRY BASE contain flavoring agents, an over-concentration of taste might occur. The result would be a less enjoyable flavor experience.
How does the FOG YOUR LAW DRY BASE affect ready-made shisha tobacco?
The FOG YOUR LAW DRY BASE is perfect for enhancing or flavor-modifying conventional hookah tobacco. As our DRY BASE is already mixed with the FLAVOR of the chosen taste, it can be added to the pre-mixed tobacco to modify the flavor profile. Experiment with mixing ratios to discover your perfect flavor combination.

Der Herstellungsprozess der FOG YOUR LAW Dark Base
Um eine qualitativ hochwertige Dark Base anzubieten, haben wir einen aufwendigen Herstellungsprozess über mehrere Monate entwickelt. Nur wir kennen das Geheimnis der perfekten Dark Dry Base, da wir selbst leidenschaftliche Dark Blend Liebhaber sind.
Die Qualität unserer Dark Base
Unsere Dark Base bietet einen vorgereiften, leicht süßlich-ledrigen Burley-Tabak ohne starken Eigengeschmack und die perfekte Nikotinstärke. Dieser Blend bildet die ideale Grundlage für unsere beliebten Aroma-Sorten von FogYourLife & Fog Your Law.
Die Alternative zu teuren 25g Packungen
Unsere gereifte Dark Base ist die erste ernsthafte Alternative zu teuren 25g Packungen im Segment Pfeifentabak. Probiere es aus und überzeuge dich selbst von der Qualität unserer Dark Base.
Die Charakteristika der FOG YOUR LAW Dark Base
Unsere Dark Base ist ein wohl ausbalancierter Burley-Blend, der alle Charakteristika bedient, die Fans von schwarzen Tabaksorten wertschätzen. Smooth und stark zugleich bietet sie den vollen Geschmack unserer leckeren Fog Your Law Sorten mit erhöhtem Nikotin-Gehalt.
Die Überlegenheit der FOG YOUR LAW Dark Base
Der Geschmack des Tabaks tritt in den Hintergrund, während unsere leckeren Aromen die Bühne beherrschen. Throat-Kick-Level, Nikotin-Gehalt und Schnitt orientieren sich an Blaze für ein unvergleichliches Raucherlebnis.